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Transfer to Secondary School

Starting Secondary in September 2024


Relevant documents - and referred to in this page:
Overview of the Documents Needed

'Moving to Secondary School' Booklet

Only parents & carers have the responsibility of finding and applying for their child’s Secondary school.

Brochures for Lambeth Secondary Transfer were sent home at the start of Year 6. You may also access this online at  In addition to completing the application form, many schools have supplementary forms to complete an entrance examination.

IMPORTANT: You must check with each individual school on your list if they require a supplementary form to be completed. These forms must be completed and sent back to the school (NOT THE BOROUGH) by the individual school’s deadline.

The deadline for SIFs is often BEFORE the 31st October. You must fill in the school’s supplementary form, if required, and select where you would like your child to do the test. 

The tests

Lambeth (and some of the surrounding boroughs) do not have selective schools. These tests are therefore only used for banding (the same number of children are admitted from each band) and not for selection. It is good to practise for these tests but not essential. Most schools will use verbal and non verbal reasoning - CPG, GLL, NFER, Bond - Bond is good for Lambeth, GLL for Wandsworth. Practice papers e.g. verbal and nonverbal reasoning can be bought at a number of different shops.

Read with your child at home.
Don’t panic your child – these tests are not pass/fail tests

How to choose a school

What must a school have for your child?

  • Curriculum- what does it specialise in? How will it build on your child’s interests and successes?
  • Facilities- well equipped science labs, art facilities, dance, drama, music, sport, ICT
  • Languages- which languages can they study? Are there specialist teachers? Trips
  • Do you require a Faith School?
  • Single sex education- would this suit your child?
  • How far is the school? Consider how your child would travel to and from school.
  • GCSEs, BTEC, AS, A- Levels- are the results good? Consider the children’s starting point at secondary and the progress they have made there.
  • Inclusion and SEND support- is the school able to support your child?
  • Are there a variety of clubs for your child to participate in?
  • Strong staff/ pupil relationships and positive behaviour
  • Enrichment activities such as trips and cultural events
  • Most importantly check whether your child is likely to be offered a place based on the school’s published admissions criteria which can be found on the individual school’s pages in this booklet. Be realistic about your child’s talents when going for a scholarship or bursary place and make sure you know the dates of these. 
  • This year you will  need to sign up for Virtual Meetings a schools will not have their usual open days.Have some questions ready for your visit to the school. Ofsted reports are easily available to read online. Visit or contact the school directly for a hard copy.
  • Results- Do a good percentage get strong grades in Maths and English?
  • Subject specialism - This means that they offer a particular expert focus on a subject whilst also ensuring that the curriculum overall is well taught and resourced. All Lambeth mainstream secondary schools have at least one subject specialism. 

London Co-ordinated Admissions Procedure

Parents/carers only need to complete one online Common Application Form (CAF) to apply for up to six schools anywhere in London excluding fee-paying. Put down six schools, otherwise you can be offered a school not on your list if there are gaps

Parents should complete the CAF for the borough they reside. Eg. If you live in Lambeth, you must complete a LambethCAF. If you live in a different LEA you need to complete the CAF for that borough.

Pan-London Register will pass your Common Application Forms to schools in other authorities. The deadline for applications is Saturday 31st October via Log on early! You will need an email address to make the application.

We advise you complete the CAF by the 14th October. 

Step 1: Register or log-in to an existing account. If you have twins, you will need to complete two separate applications. 

Step 2: Name and Address: The application address stated on your child's CAF must be the address which you and your child currently live at, even if this is a temporary address. Proof of address must be uploaded. 

  • You must upload 2 proofs of address for the parents- council tax, rent agreement, benefit letter, TV licence, Driving License. 
  • You must upload one proof of address for the child- child tax credit, child benefit, child national registration,  NHS card, medical letter from the GP, Child’s Prescription,  Social Services letter if your child is LAC.

Overview of the Documents Needed

If you are unable to submit any or only some of the documents listed for you and/or your child, you will need to obtain a sworn affidavit or affirmation through a solicitor. This affidavit or affirmation must be signed by a Solicitor holding a current practicing certificate issued by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

All parents/carers who apply on time will know what school their child has been offered, on 1st March. This offer will be the highest preference offer that can be made. There is no guarantee that you will get your first or second choice which is why you must fill the form with six choices.

All forms must be from the current financial year.

Paper CAFs

Lambeth will provide a limited number of paper CAFs for families who do not have internet access and therefore cannot apply online. These will be available from 1st September (Monday to Friday) at The Lambeth Civic Centre (Brixton). We are also happy to help you at Reay especially with scanning and uploading documents.

Completed paper CAFs can be handed in to The Lambeth Civic  (Brixton 6 Brixton Hill, SW2 1EG- though online is preferred), Monday to Friday 9am–5pm.

Children with an EHCP 

By the end of the Summer term , parents/carers of children resident in Lambeth, with a statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education Health Care Plan, will have received a letter with a form asking for secondary school preferences from Lambeth Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Team. This correspondence will also inform them about the process for transferring to secondary school and inviting them to notify Lambeth ELS of the name of their preferred school. The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Team will then consult with your preferred secondary school.  For children with an EHCP they are asked to give 3 choices of school - not 6.

If your child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education Health Care Plan you must contact the Special Education Needs and Disabilities Team on 020 7926 9460 to apply. The application form via this page will not be valid.


  • September & October: register for virtual meetings at your preferred secondary schools
  • September & early October: Register on e-admissions and begin application process
  • September & early October: complete supplementary forms for your preferred schools and return directly to the schools before each individual school’s deadline
  • September, October, November:  Register for the school where you would like your child to take their admissions test. 
  • Ensure your child has sat  any admissions tests required by individual schools. If your child has SEND speak to the secondary school beforehand and they will arrange for your child to take the test with a smaller group.
  • Wednesday 14th October: you are encouraged to submit your application by this date.
  • Saturday 31st October: Final Deadline for submitting applications.

What to do when you are offered a place

All parents/carers who apply on time will know what school their child has been offered, (if any) on 1st  March. This is National Offer Day. 

You must respond to the offer by 15th March. It is best to accept on the offer day and appeal after.

Some schools may also send their own direct letters to parents / carers and ask for direct confirmation.

What to do if your child is not offered a place or you are unhappy about the place offered

29th March or 20 school days after notification for late applications is the deadline if you wish to appeal against the decision not to offer your child a place at a Lambeth school. Please check the details on each of the school's pages about this process. For schools in other boroughs, please check their information and timescales.

April – July Appeals for schools are heard.

The LA admissions booklets for more information regarding waiting lists and the appeals process.

Support for parents/carers