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Curriculum - KS1

Year 1 Curriculum Map
Year 1 Topic Squares Autumn 1 - Celebrating inspirational people
Year 1 SRE Scheme of Work

Year 2 Curriculum Map
Year 2 Topic Squares Autumn 1 - Inspirational People
Year 2 SRE Scheme of Work

The transition from Reception to Year 1 is dealt with sensitively as this a huge milestone. The Year 1 teacher works closely with the Early Years team to find out about each child and incorporates aspects of play based learning whilst introducing the children to the Year 1 curriculum.

Year 1 follow a creative curriculum as do the rest of the school. Learning is centred around a theme e.g Where the Wild Things Are. Writing takes on a more powerful force when children can relate it to other areas of their learning. 

Children in Year 1 take a National Phonics Screening Test each June.

Year 2 continue to grow and develop as learners. The curriculum delivers knowledge and skills whilst keeping interest. For example on a topic traditional tales; instructions were covered by designing and making Hansel and Gretel’s house, maths skills covered by drawing a plan of the forest and direction skills taught,DT and maths skills covered by making gingerbread and cookies for the house, physical geography skills taught by looking at the features of the forest and the types of jobs and industries. PHSE looked at the behaviour of the parents, in science children looked at the types of plants and herbs for the witch to grow in her garden and carried out investigations for growing.

The children begin swimming lessons in the spring term.

In May the children take SATs tests. We don’t tell the children that they are being tested as this could cause some, undue stress.